ThyssenKrupp completes sale of its construction products business

Tuesday, 11 September 2012 11:02:35 (GMT+3)   |  

Germany-based steel giant ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe has announced that it has completed the divestment of its high-quality steel products business for the construction industry decided in October 2011.
ThyssenKrupp signed a purchase and sale contract with Ireland-based Kingspan on August 8, 2012 for its Construction Group. The sale was closed, following approval by the supervisory bodies and the responsible regulatory authorities in Germany and the Netherlands.

Construction Group of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe is one of Europe's biggest suppliers of lightweight steel construction elements for use in the walls, facades, roofs and floors of industrial buildings and in cold room construction, while Kingspan has been producing construction elements and insulating materials at almost 50 production sites worldwide. 

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