US HDG imports up 0.4 percent in August

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 00:43:06 (GMT+3)   |   San Diego

According to preliminary census data from the US Department of Commerce, US imports of hot dipped galvanized sheet and strip totaled 166,298 mt in August 2023, up 0.4 percent from July but down 25.3 percent from August 2022 levels. By value, HDG imports totaled $216.7 million in August 2023, compared to $215.2 million in July and $320.0 million in August 2022.

The US imported the most HDG from Canada in August, with 83,196 mt, compared to 69,013 mt in July and 79,176 mt in August 2022. Other top sources of imported HDG in August include Vietnam, with 18,459 mt; Mexico, with 17,628 mt; Austria, with 8,285 mt; and South Korea, with 7,613 mt.

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