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About Us

SteelOrbis, the only gathering point for the worldwide steel industry with its 50,000+ members and 90,000+ users from 199+ countries, has been bringing together raw metal suppliers, steel producers, steel traders, distributors and steel end-product manufacturers from various sectors since 2002.

SteelOrbis is a unique e-marketplace and market intelligence provider that offers up-to-date news on the steel industry and steel trading from one single source.

SteelOrbis' market intelligence service keeps you updated on the latest pricing and trends in the steel world with daily price reports and market analyses derived from actual transactions.

At the same time, SteelOrbis' e-Commerce platform allows you the freedom to experience a new way of steel trading without giving up your present mode of doing business.

As of today, SteelOrbis organization is located in 12 different countries.
