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Terms Of Use And Legal Terms

Each subscriber visiting this site which covered the domain name owned by Steelorbis Elektronik Pazaryeri A.Ş. (“SteelOrbis”) residing at the address of Atatürk Cad., No: 72/18 Kozyatağı / Istanbul and the subdomains under this domain (“Website”) or any person intending to use the services on the Website accepts all of the provisions and conditions listed on “Terms of Use and Legal Terms”. When you subscribe to SteelOrbis or request using the services offered by SteelOrbis or use this Website in any way, you hereby agree that you will be subject to all conditions and provisions listed on “Terms of Use and Legal Terms”, transaction formalities applied on the Website and other procedures, rules as well as instructions and any related changes to be made by SteelOrbis from time to time and all other instructions given on the Website (collectively referred as “Operational Rules”). Besides, you can link here to review “Our Confidentiality Policy” which is an integral part of this “Terms of Use and Legal Terms” and you hereby accept the rules listed on Our Confidentiality Policy.

SteelOrbis reserves the right of changing Operational Rules at any time desired. Such changes shall be valid and binding after they are announced on the Website. You are responsible for keeping up with the changes. SteelOrbis is not obliged to inform you individually about the changes. If you continue using services offered by SteelOrbis, you will be considered as accepted these changes.

1. SteelOrbis
1.1 SteelOrbis is a joint stock corporation established under the Turkish law and its business activities are; preparing computer programs, software and designs for electronic trading activities to be made online; designing, leasing, acquiring and selling webpages; running, managing websites; offering membership and subscriptions. SteelOrbis designed and runs the Website in order to offer information containing data, analysis, news, comments and assessments related to the steel sector (“Contents”) and to offer a platform where sellers and buyers of various products can contact with each other via internet and trade.
1.2 The Website is an electronic platform accessible via Internet where Content service is offered; merchants can make announcements to buy and sell goods by various tender methods and other methods and to conclude contacts as well as determining, announcing the contract terms, signing contracts based on terms agreed. The purpose of this Website is to offer market info to the buyers – sellers in the sector and to facilitate the trading operations between merchants by creating an electronic market environment. SteelOrbis is not a party of the trading operations carried on the Website and is not involved in such activities and SteelOrbis does not assume any liabilities and responsibilities related to such relationships.
2. Using Services
2.1 Individuals who qualify under and comply with the Operational Rules can use the services on the Website. Individuals benefiting from the Website should be also people who can exercise civil rights as well as being of legal age and having mental capacity, they should not be restricted in such ways or should have a legal entity.
2.2 Users who are just visiting the Website shall have free access to limited information that is provided as public information by SteelOrbis and that can be changed at any time. Such information can be used by the visitors provided that intellectual property rights are respected and such information can be used for professional and non-commercial purposes.
2.3 You should subscribe to the Website, sign the subscription contract and pay for the services subscribed in order to use the Content services and / or e-commerce platform services. Services offered to the subscribers are accessible by a user name and password. Content and e-commerce platform services can be offered in various alternatives and through subscription options with different access authorizations. SteelOrbis might offer trial memberships so that users can get to know the system but SteelOrbis can freely determine and change related conditions.
3. Intellectual Property Rights
3.1 Registered or unregistered intellectual property rights on the website such as title, company name, brand, patent, logo, design, code, information and method as well as copyrights of all other works published as Content and on the Website are owned by SteelOrbis or related parties and these are protected under national and international law. Visiting the Website or using the services offered on the Website does not give you any rights about the intellectual property rights mentioned herein and such rights shall not be used even by stating the source as reference. You hereby agree that you shall not copy, reproduce, process, and distribute any elements on the Website or not to produce or prepare derivatives of such elements and not to violate any intellectual property rights.
3.2 You can send your comments and views via the Website and e-mail. You hereby accept that SteelOrbis is entitled to use such comments and suggestions as desired and you shall not claim any related rights.
4. Responsibility Principles and Rights of SteelOrbis
4.1 SteelOrbis offers the Website only for facilitating trading operations and shall not act as a buyer, seller, representative, agency, broker, representative, guarantor, securer, commissioner, distributor and consultant or with any other legal title during the operations made via the Website. Transactions made on this Website, relationships built with third parties, buying – selling transactions and other trading operations do not establish a relationship between you and our company; such transactions do not create any legal relationships or responsibilities. You are the sole party and responsible of such transactions.
4.2 You hereby accept and agree that you will act in good faith and honestly while using the Website as well as respecting the laws and other legal arrangements, complying with confidentiality rules and fully, completely performing all liabilities towards us and third parties arising from the transactions made on this Website. Obtaining excessive information from Website in order to obtain the contents accessed and / or displayed on the Website is prohibited. Parties not complying with this prohibition shall be considered as involved in unauthorized access to information system as mentioned on Article 243 (1) of the Turkish Commercial Code and the prosecutor’s office shall be informed.
4.3 SteelOrbis can change the intended use, format and procedures of the Website as well as its features, structure, functions, content, services offered without necessity of providing a notice beforehand or obtaining any permission; it can request you to provide information and documents as well as shutting down, suspending the Website and preventing your access to the Website. You shall not make any related claims to SteelOrbis. SteelOrbis shall not be held accountable for technical issues or third party acts and actions or acts of god.
4.4 If SteelOrbis thinks that you violate Operational Rules or good faith rules while making a transaction or that you violate the laws or prevent proper operations of the system, SteelOrbis can interfere with the transaction in question, stop the transaction, remove you from the system and take all necessary precautions without necessity of serving a notice beforehand.
4.5 According to the Law numbered 5651, SteelOrbis is consider as a “hosting provider” and it is not obliged to check the content provided by you or to investigate whether or not there are any legal activities. If the activities performed over the Website involve smuggling, violations to customs legislation, insults, obtaining personal data by violating the related law or any other act considered as a crime; you shall have the criminal responsibility. SteelOrbis does not have any responsibilities towards you or parties working with you and third parties. However, if SteelOrbis is held accountable despite this provision, SteelOrbis shall be entitled to recourse the claims to you.
4.6 If you violate any of the Contractual liabilities arising out of transactions made on the Website, you shall be accountable for the related responsibility and you shall be obliged to compensate all damages suffered by SteelOrbis and third parties as a result of that violation. However, if SteelOrbis is held accountable despite this provision, SteelOrbis shall be entitled to recourse to you.
4.7 SteelOrbis under no circumstances shall guarantee that the people using this Website shall conclude a contract with you, that they have good intentions, they are solvent, they can pay their debts, their statements are accurate, they are authorized to do transactions and such other issues. SteelOrbis is not a party of the legal relationships to be built by you and shall not be held accountable. SteelOrbis is an outsider of these legal relationships but this exemption does not prejudice any of the Subscriber’s liabilities mentioned on this Contract.
4.8 Besides methods of serving legal notices, SteelOrbis can use electronic communication channels (e-mail etc.) for notices, notifications and warnings to be served to you. The notices served in such manner shall have outcomes as same as a legally binding notice.
4.9 SteelOrbis offers the Website on as-is basis. SteelOrbis does not guarantee that the system shall be up and running without any interruptions or that it shall meet certain criteria and needs. Hence you cannot claim compensation from SteelOrbis.
4.10 Links to the Website and from the Website do not mean that we have legal relationships with other individuals and establishments or we endorse acts, reliability of such individuals and establishments; we do not act on behalf of them and we do not allow them to act on behalf of us; we are not responsible for their acts and actions. Commitments shall not be binding on SteelOrbis unless made by SteelOrbis in writing.
4.11 SteelOrbis does not guarantee that the information and views offered as Content are complete and updated, true, fit for a specific purpose and right to the point. You are responsible for assessing the content.
4.12 Giving links to the Website, using any information on the Website on any other channel or website, reproducing and publishing such information is strictly prohibited without permission of SteelOrbis.
4.13 Disputes arising from use of this Website shall be subject to Turkish Law and Istanbul Çağlayan Courts and Execution Offices have an exclusive jurisdiction such disputes. Books and records kept by SteelOrbis shall be the sole and final evidences for such disputes. You hereby accept that the printouts of SteelOrbis shall be considered as final evidences of transactions made online and on the Website.