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Acciaierie d’Italia to restart fully by 2026, several firms show interest in acquisition

Thursday, 01 August 2024 16:24:08 (GMT+3)   |   Brescia

According to a notification of the national Italian labor union Fiom-Cgil, Italian steelmaker Acciaierie d’Italia’s Taranto plant can officially count on €620 million to implement their recovery plan. As anticipated, these funds are granted on the one hand by the Italian government and on the other by the European Union.

The plan includes the progressive restarting of Taranto’s inactive equipment. More specifically, between October and November 2024, blast furnace No. 1 will be restarted. Thanks to this action, the total production of Acciaierie d’Italia in 2024 will amount to 1.9-2.2 million mt. Between January and February 2025, blast furnace No. 2 will be restarted as well. The expected production for next year is 4.5-5 million mt. About a month after restarting, both BFs will be shut down again for maintenance work.

Finally, from the beginning of 2026 onwards, BFs Nos. 1 and 4 will be constantly active, and BF No. 2 will follow in April. Finally, starting from spring 2026, all blast furnaces at the Taranto plant will be working again.

In the meantime, the tender for presentation of expressions of interest in the acquisition of Acciaierie d’Italia in extraordinary administration opened yesterday, July 31. The tender will remain open until September 20, and the companies seeking to participate will have to be compliant with certain requirements, including the “unified transfer” of all the company’s assets. As SteelOrbis previously reported, several groups have shown some interest in the acquisition of Acciaierie d’Italia. Among them are Ukraine’s Metinvest, India-based Vulcan Steel and Germany-based Steel Mont, Canadian company Stelco and Italian companies Marcegaglia and Sideralba, as well as Arvedi though the latter’s participation has not been confirmed.

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