Australia’s Antidumping Commission has announced that it has initiated an antidumping (AD) duty investigation regarding galvanized steel imports from India, Malaysia and Vietnam and a countervailing duty (CVD) investigation regarding imports of these products from India and Vietnam.
The application lodged by Australian steelmaker BlueScope Steel claims that the goods in question have been exported to Australia at prices less than their normal value from India, Malaysia and Vietnam and were in receipt of countervailable subsidies from India and Vietnam, and that the dumping and subsidization has caused material injury to the Australian industry.
The investigations will cover the period between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.
The goods in question currently fall under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers 7210.49.00.55, 7210.49.00.56, 7210.49.00.57, 7210.49.00.58, 7212.30.00.61, 7225.92.00.38 and 7226.99.00.71.