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Brazil launches program to support decarbonization projects

Wednesday, 24 July 2024 21:06:41 (GMT+3)   |   San Diego

The Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (MDIC) launched a public call of proposals for decarbonization projects for the steel and cement sectors.

The selected proposals will receive a contribution equivalent to $4.0 million. 

The selection will be made by the Brazilian Industry Decarbonization Hub, in partnership with the UK Partnering to Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT) program and the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). 

In relation to the steel industry, the competition will cover projects that facilitate financial solutions and access to credit to support industries in their decarbonization efforts. 

The UK PACT will be receiving project submissions and other questions until August 21st. 

According to MDIC, the objectives of the partnership are aligned with the government program “Mission 5”: “Bioeconomy, decarbonization, energy transition and security to guarantee resources for future generations”. 

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