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Brazil was a net importer of finished steel products in August

Friday, 27 September 2024 20:21:20 (GMT+3)   |   Sao Paulo

In August, Brazil exported 101,800 mt of finished steel products with revenues of $84.5 million, while importing 384,600 mt at $281.700 million.

This compares to exports of 171,100 mt at $139.4 million and imports of 287,300 mt at $230.6 million in July.

Considering the first eight months of 2024, exports have reached 1.06 million mt at $ 918.8 million and imports have reached 2.37 million mt at $1.85 billion.

Coated flat products were the main items imported in August, representing in volume 39 percent of the total while hot rolled products were the main item exported, representing 44 percent of the total.

Expectations are maintained for Brazil becoming a net exporter of finished steel products during the last quarter of the year due to the recently adopted system of import quotas and higher import tax for some of these products. 

If semifinished steel products are included, Brazil is a net exporter of steel products with exports in volume exceeding imports in August by 25 percent.

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