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Canada extends preliminary decision period for AD probe against rebar from three countries

Monday, 29 July 2024 13:32:15 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has announced that it has extended the preliminary phase of the antidumping duty investigation regarding imports of rebar from Bulgaria, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

Under normal circumstances, the preliminary decision should have been completed within 90 days of the date of initiation, i.e., by May 3. However, due to the difficulties in obtaining satisfactory evidence and the complexity of issues presented in the investigation, the period has been extended to 135 days. As a result, the decision to issue a preliminary determination or to terminate the investigation will be made on or before September 13, 2024.

The products subject to antidumping duty investigation currently fall under Customs Tariff Statistics Position Numbers 7213.10.00.11, 7213.10.00.12, 7213.10.00.13, 7213.10.00.90, 7214.20.00.11, 7214.20.00.12, 7214.20.00.13, 7214.20.00.14, 7214.20.00.21, 7214.20.00.22, 7214.20.00.23, 7214.20.00.24, 7214.20.00.31, 7214.20.00.32, 7214.20.00.33, 7214.20.00.34, 7214.20.00.90, 7215.90.00.20, 7215.90.00.30, 7227.90.00.50, 7228.30.00.51, 7228.30.00.52, and 7228.30.00.53.

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