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Colombia’s iron and steel export volume up 20.6% in January-April

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 12:14:33 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

In the January-April period this year, Colombia exported 48,436 mt of ferronickel, up 9.3 percent, with a value of $154.52 million, declining by 38.9 percent, both year on year, as announced by the Colombian National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). In April, Colombian ferronickel exports amounted to 15,605 mt, increasing by 90.2 percent, and were worth $54.38 million, up by 13.4 percent, both year on year.

In the January-April period, Colombia’s iron and steel export volume totaled 81,974 mt, up by 20.6 percent, with a value of $233.15 million, down by 24.3 percent, both on year-on-year basis. In April, Colombian iron and steel exports amounted to 26,772 mt, rising by 121.3 percent, and were worth $80.86 million, increasing by 34.9 percent, both compared to the same month of 2023.

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