Italian long product producer Feralpi Group has announced its financial results for 2015.
In 2015, Feralpi’s turnover decreased by five percent year on year to €922.9 million compared to the previous year. In the given year, the company’s EBITDA amounted to €47 million decreasing from the EBITDA of €49.4 million recorded in 2014.
Feralpi stated that during 2015 it continued its integration process in the supply chain, acquiring shares in İtaly-based Media Steel which is specialized in collecting scrap, Italian steel service companies Presider and Metallurgia Piemontese Lavorazioni, Italian special wire rod producer Caleotto and other Italian companies Cogeme and Profilati Nave, both in the merchant bar business. Feralpi also stated that this new group shape should provide an opportunity for Acciaierie di Calvisano, a billet producer in Feralip Group.