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First green hydrogen plant in Morocco to be built with German investment

Wednesday, 03 July 2024 12:20:54 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development has announced that Germany and Morocco will deepen their partnership on environmental protection and energy transition in the future. In line with this goal, both governments have inked a deal to cooperate in developing the green hydrogen industry, energy trading, national decarbonization efforts, climate adaptation, and skilled workforce training.

According to the statement, given its geographical proximity to the Atlantic and to the desert, Morocco has adequate conditions for wind and solar electricity generation, allowing it to meet its own energy requirements and to start exporting green hydrogen to Germany in the long run.

Germany has already joined the construction of the first green hydrogen plant in Morocco, which is expected to be completed in the coming years. The plant in question will have a production capacity of about 10,000 mt per year, allowing steelmakers to produce 50,000 mt of green steel. Also, it is intended to attract private investors to Morocco. As part of the new partnership, further investments will follow in the future.

Earlier, the German ministry had provided support to build the world’s largest solar thermal power plant in Ouarzazate in southern Morocco, helping to reduce carbon emissions by 800,000 mt per year.