Mexico begins sunset review of AD to CRC of Russia and Kazakhstan

Monday, 01 July 2024 10:06:20 (GMT+3)   |   San Diego

The Mexican government reported that it formally began the fifth sunset review for antidumping duties on the import of cold rolled coil (CRC) imported from Russia and Kazakhstan. The main Russian exporters are Severstal and Novolipetsk. Regardless of the resolution, the product pays a temporary tax of 25 percent.

“The beginning of the administrative procedure to examine the validity of the compensatory quotas imposed on imports of cold-rolled sheet originating in Russia and Kazakhstan is declared, regardless of the country of origin,” reported the Ministry of Economy in a statement in the gazette. Mexican officer (DOF).

The product is imported into Mexico through codes 7209.16.01 and 7209.17.01 of the General Import and Export Tax Law (TIGIE).

According to the Mexican trade authority, the examination period is from April 1, 2023 to March 30, 2024. The analysis period is from April 1, 2019 to March 30, 2024.

The fifth sunset review began at the request of the Mexican unit of the Italian-Argentinian Ternium. During the review, antidumping duties of 15 percent for imports from Russia and 22 percent for imports from Kazakhstan, which were declared in December 2010, remain in place.

Last April, the Mexican government declared a temporary tariff for countries with which Mexico does not have a free trade agreement, such as Russia and Kazakhstan, for which the product under analysis pays a 25 percent tariff. It is temporary because it will stop being charged in April 2026.

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