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Nippon Steel to collaborate with two other Japanese companies to design CCS value chain

Monday, 02 September 2024 15:10:17 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

Japanese steel producer Nippon Steel Corporation has announced that it will collaborate with Japan-based petroleum company INPEX Corporation and Kanto Natural Gas Development Co. on the Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security’s (JOGMEC) project regarding the design of the carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain and carbon storage potential assessment. Through the project, the three companies will jointly promote initiatives that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

The project will involve studying the feasibility of capturing carbon emitted from Nippon Steel’s East Nippon Works and multiple industries in the Keiyo Industrial Zone in the Tokyo metropolitan area, transporting the carbon through pipelines and storing the carbon off the East Coast of the Boso Peninsula. The companies will jointly conduct studies and surveys in each segment of the CCS value chain, including carbon separation, capture, transportation and storage toward the commercialization of CCS.