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Schmolz+Bickenbach International boosts position in Southeast Asia

Thursday, 28 July 2016 16:24:51 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul
Swiss-based special steel producer and distributor Schmolz+Bickenbach Group has announced that its subsidiary Schmolz+Bickenbach International has opened a new sales office in Bangkok, Thailand as part of its initiative to expand its sales and services activities in Asia. The aim is to expand service offerings for existing customers in the automotive and electronics industry as well as in manufacturing and to acquire potential new customers in these branches.
The new subsidiary’s sales activities focus on special steels engineered specifically for machining in the company’s production divisions Deutsche Edelstahlwerke, Steeltec, and Ugitech. These products are sold in the technologically advanced automotive and electronics industry in Thailand. The new location is also aiming to expand sales in East Asia of special long steel from Deutsche Edelstahlwerke.