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Tosyalı chairman: Turkish market threatened by possible imports from Ukraine, Russia

Wednesday, 23 May 2018 15:29:09 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

In an interview with Turkish online daily Bloomberg HT, Turkish steelmaker Tosyalı Holding chairman Fuat Tosyalı said that, following the 25 percent import tariff the US imposed on steel imports under Section 232, the Turkish market is threatened by steel imports from Ukraine and Russia. “If imports are a threat for the US, they are a much bigger threat for Turkey and the Turkish steel industry must be protected,” he added.

“We import 15-16 million mt of scrap from the US and sell back quality products to the country. We buy more than we sell but still we are considered in the same category as the countries with trade imbalances. This is very unfair and I believe the decision is political but I hope it will be corrected. The cost of these import tariffs will be paid by Americans, as they will buy more expensive steel,” Mr. Tosyalı said.

Recalling that Turkey's import duty on rebar has ben removed, Fuat Tosyalı said the necessary measures should be taken to protect the Turkish steel industry.