US CRC exports up 16.9 percent in April from March

Friday, 14 June 2024 12:33:32 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

According to export data from the US Department of Commerce, US exports of cold rolled coils totaled 70,983 mt in April this year, up 16.9 percent month on month and up 26.0 percent year on year. By value, CRC exports totaled $88.3 million in April, compared to $77.7 million in the previous month and $67.9 million in the same month last year.

The US shipped the most CRC to Mexico in April with 54,717 mt, compared to 43,714 mt in March and 40,784 mt in April last year. The other top destination was Canada, with 15,546 mt. There were no other significant destinations (1,000 mt or more) for US CRC exports in April.

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