US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx announced that roughly $2 billion in previously unused earmarks can be put back to work to support infrastructure projects across the country, as described in new guidance from the Federal Highway Administration.
“This is a tremendous opportunity for state and local governments to work together to identify their needs heading into the next 30 years,” said Secretary Foxx. “I encourage these leaders to identify innovative projects that reconnect their communities and increase access to jobs, education, and basic services.”
The guidance implements a provision in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2016, which gave states the option of repurposing certain earmarked funds if the original earmark was over 10 years old and if less than 10 percent of project funds had been obligated, or if the project is closed. Through the end of FY 2016, states have the option of re-designating these dollars to other projects within 50 miles of the originally intended use.
The guidance describes the process by which state Departments of Transportation issue such notifications, making the funds immediately available for use. Once a state elects to repurpose funds, it will have until the end of FY 2019 to obligate the funds.