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US tin plate imports up 114.8 in July from June

Monday, 23 September 2024 14:38:06 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

According to preliminary census data from the US Department of Commerce, US imports of tin plate totaled 114,397 mt in July this year, up 114.8 percent from June and up 98.3 percent year on year. By value, tin plate imports totaled $159.06 million in July this year, compared to $83.58 million in June and $105.12 million in July last year.

The US imported the most tin plate from China in July, with 32,632 mt, compared to 1,668 mt in June. Other top sources of imported tin plate in July include Germany, with 24,306 mt; the Netherlands, with 17,667 mt; Canada, with 8,875 mt; Taiwan, with 7,610 mt; Turkey, with 7,418 mt; South Korea, with 5,727 mt; and Spain, with 4,624 mt.

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