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South Asia Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Import HRC prices decline slightly in Pakistan

Lower HRC import prices achieved in fresh bookings in Pakistan

Pakistan’s import HRC market shows mixed trends

Import HRC market in Pakistan impacted by Chinese suppliers

Mood worsens in Vietnam’s HRC import market amid China’s slump

Pakistani CRC and HDG mills hike offers to offset costlier feedstock

Mood improves in Vietnam’s HRC import market amid China’s rebound

Import HRC prices improve in Pakistan amid increases in China

Vietnam’s HRC import prices lack clarity amid ex-China price fluctuations

Pakistani CRC and HDG producers announce sharp drop in offers prices

Negative mood prevails in Vietnam’s HRC import market as import prices slump further

Outlook in Pakistan’s HRC import market still bearish, Chinese suppliers cut prices

Negative mood prevails in Vietnam’s HRC import market as Chinese prices fall

Import HRC prices in Pakistan decline amid slump in China

Import HRC market in Pakistan still impacted by Chinese suppliers

Import HRC prices in Pakistan decline amid slump in China

Vietnam’s HRC import market on track for continued stability despite fluctuations in China

Import HRC prices in Pakistan stable, but bids soften amid slow demand

Vietnam’s import HRC market lacks clarity as gap with suppliers’ offers widens

Import HRC prices in Pakistan move in different directions

Import HRC prices to Pakistan decline in new ex-China offers, other suppliers avoid discounts

Chinese suppliers still impact import HRC market in Pakistan

Import HRC prices to Pakistan decline in new ex-China deals, other suppliers avoid discounts 

Pakistani CRC and HDG producers announce new hikes in offers prices to offset costlier feedstock

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