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Spain Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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European HRC prices stable in line with silent trade, imports hit by uncertainty over safeguard measures

Tradable HRC prices stable in Europe amid moderate trade, import prices stable

Free Global HRC Price Changes - week 20, 2024

Free Global View on HRC: Most HRC suppliers keep offers stable, uncertainty over future price trend still persists

Local and import HRC prices in EU stable amid moderate restocking

European HRC mills cautiously positive on future sales prices, import quotes keep rising

HDG and CRC prices in EU decrease further, higher buyers' pressure on CRC

Negative mood still prevails in European CRC and HDG markets

HRC prices in EU still fail to hit bottom as mood remains weak

European HRC suppliers lower offers as expected, import prices slump in new deals

European HRC producers still positive despite slow demand, import prices mainly stable

Disclaimer: Although the data in this publication have been taken from reliable sources, their integrity, accuracy and stability/constancy cannot be guaranteed. The data in this publication are not comprised of data gathered from transactions carried within the SteelOrbis system. Reports shall in no way be taken as a proposal for selling and buying. SteelOrbis assumes no responsibility from losses caused by using these data in commercial transactions. Please contact the Customer Relations Department for further questions.