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Flats,Longs,Raw Mat,Semis,Stainless products ,Tubular Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Local Chinese stainless steel prices stable or down slightly

Ex-China CRC prices rise amid better mood locally, futures price recovery

Shagang Group keeps local HRC prices stable for November

Brazilian slab export price increases slightly

Ex-China HRC prices stronger amid futures recovery, but customers not in hurry to accept

Ex-India HRC prices unchanged amid silent trade conditions

Ex-China stainless steel prices edge down

Local Indian CRC prices stable ahead of holidays

Correction gains momentum in local Indian HRC market amid weaker trade, stock liquidation

Ex-China steel plate prices edge down despite futures price gains

Free Global View on HRC: Market still under pressure as demand insufficient to support hikes attempts in some outlets

US flat rolled prices still rising; US Steel raises prices to $900/nt

Romania's sole flat steel producer and local traders keep prices stable 

Ex-Asia slab offers prevail in Turkey, some of them workable

European mills target higher CRC/HDG offers after rises in import prices, tradable prices stable at low levels

Turkey concludes HRC purchases from China

Chinese domestic PPGI prices move down

India imports discounted HRC from China

US Steel announces flat rolled price increase on the heels of UAW announcement

Plate prices mostly stable in Turkey, only Asian sellers provide discounts

Turkey’s flats spot prices down slightly as overall scenario still gloomy

Ex-India HDG prices stable, but trade stalled by bid-offer disparities

Tradable HRC prices stable in Europe on moderate trade, import slightly higher

Ex-China HDG prices lack strength despite local and futures gains

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 43, 2023

Chinese stainless steel prices follow a fluctuating trend

Ex-China CRC prices hit by worse local mood, but trend may reverse amid further futures rise

Formosa cuts HRC offers as demand still poor in Vietnam, though mood better in China 

HRC imports in UAE still reasonably stable after significant quantity of trade

Silicon steel sheet prices in local Chinese market - week 43, 2023

Indian HRC mills still stay away from exports, remaining focused on local sales

Turkey’s HRC prices stable for now, import offers fluctuate

Ex-China HRC down over the week, but some rebound in traders' prices today following futures

Ex-China stainless steel prices remain stable

US plate spot market prices still soft

Ex-China steel plate prices move sideways

Correction deepens in local Indian HRC market, mills still to go ahead with base price hikes

Local Indian CRC prices inch lower, but trend expected to be reversed soon

Free Global View on HRC: Market evaluations still lack clarity, but mood more positive in some regions such as Europe

Will this week’s US HRC price increase announcements gain traction?

Brazilian slab export price declines further for shipments in December

Brazilian HRC export price stable from two weeks ago

Romania’s flat steel market still quiet, mood pessimistic

Chinese domestic PPGI prices edge down slightly

HRC imports in UAE revive as buyers need to restock

European CRC and HDG offers down slightly as demand fails to recover so far 

Nucor, Cleveland Cliffs announce HRC price increase

CRC import price offers stable in Brazil

Turkey’s domestic and import HRC prices soften, trade still insufficient

Turkey's flats spot prices relatively stable but bleak outlook persists

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