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Flats,Longs,Raw Mat,Semis,Stainless products ,Tubular Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Free Global View on HRC: Major suppliers secure numerous sales but still providing discounts globally

US flat rolled steel prices start to crack

Slab export deals are closed at stable prices in Brazil

Ex-India HDG prices stable amid slow demand, but more interest in higher grade coils results in deals

Romania's sole flat steel mills hikes HRC prices, traders follow

Chinese domestic PPGI prices edge down slightly

European CRC and HDG offers rise amid tight supply and higher input costs, despite weak demand

Plate spot market prices in the US

CRC import price offers decline in Brazil

HRC prices mainly stable in Europe but with upward bias, import prices rise

Ex-China HDG offer prices soften further amid slack demand, uncertainty over future trend

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 3, 2024

Free Prices stable for Brazilian HDG exports

Ex-China CRC offer prices keep falling amid slow demand

Local Chinese stainless steel prices rise slightly

Silicon steel sheet prices in local Chinese market - week 3, 2024

HRC import activity still robust in GCC, offers soften somewhat

HRC import trade in Vietnam improves after ambitious hike in local prices

Import HRC prices to Pakistan decline in new ex-China deals, other suppliers avoid discounts 

Chinese HRC exporters secure more deals amid revived buying interest globally

Indian HRC exporters keep boosting sales globally, but fail to succeed in hiking deal prices

Ex-China stainless steel prices remain stable

Ex-China steel plate prices stable amid limited fluctuations locally

Turkey continues ex-China HRC purchases while its local prices remain stable

Local Indian CRC prices weaken amid slower demand, rising inventories

Local Indian HRC market more bearish amid reports of more discounted sales 

Free Global View on HRC: Prices strong in Europe and Turkey, uneven trends in Asia

US HRC prices stagnant week-over-week, CRC, HDG prices up slightly

Brazilian slab export deals close at lower than expected prices

HRC prices improve in Europe, concerns over Red Sea navigation intensify

Chinese domestic PPGI prices move sideways

Formosa surprises local Vietnamese HRC market with $22-30/mt hike

Vietnamese HRC sellers eager to export as local buyers focus on small purchases from China

HRS spot prices rise further in Turkey despite sluggish trade

Ex-India HDG demand improves, but deals hit wall of rising freight costs

Chinese HDG export prices weaken in tandem with local market

Baosteel keeps most of its local flat steel prices stable for February

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 2, 2024

Local Chinese stainless steel prices stable or down slightly

Ex-China CRC tradable prices retreat as futures down more than $20/mt in one week

Silicon steel sheet prices in local Chinese market - week 2, 2024

GCC buyers continue to restock with Indian HRC, offers relatively stable

Import plate prices stable for now in Turkey, domestic prices rise

Brazilian HRC export price increases from two weeks ago

Price increases for Brazilian slab export offers

ArcelorMittal hikes flats prices by €50/mt for northern EU, mulls offers for south

Russia continues gradual HRC exports while local sales weak

Turkish buyers book domestic and import HRC at relatively stable prices

Ex-India HRC prices stable amid revived buying interest, cautious optimism over pricing

Chinese HRC mills keep export prices stable at high levels, mood worsens locally amid futures fluctuations

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