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Canacero concerned about Section 232 tariffs, despite USMCA agreement

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 22:58:19 (GMT+3)   |   Sao Paulo

The Mexican steel association, Canacero, expressed concerns about the US Section 232 tariffs, despite the new trade agreement announced this week between the US, Mexico and Canada, called the USMCA.

Canacero welcomed on Tuesday Mexico’s government efforts for reaching the USMCA trilateral agreement. However, it remains concerned about the 25 percent import tariff imposed over the Mexican steel exports to the US.

“Despite reaching a trilateral agreement, the serious issue affecting our steel sector persists,” it said.

Canacero argued that Mexico represents no risk for US national security. “Frankly, such artificial measure is incongruent with the principles of free trade and is a harmful precedent that affects free trade in the region,” the association said.

Canacero called for Mexico and the US to exclude Mexico from Section 232 before the signing of the USMCA agreement, adding that the Mexican steel industry has “considerably” reduced production following the implementation of the tariffs.

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