Chilean steelmaker CAP Acero, which is part of CAP Group, plans to request that the local price distortion commission, CNDP, impose an antidumping (AD) duty over the imports of Chinese steel bar used to produce grinding balls, a media report by Diario Financiero said.
As previously reported by SteelOrbis in February this year, CAP Acero said it would hire a consulting company to help it appeal a government decision to not investigate AD practices over the imports of the product.
In January this year, the Chilean government decided not to impose AD duties over the imports of the product, which falls under Chilean HTS code 7228.3000, and has a diameter of less than 4 inches.
CNDP argued at the time CAP Acero failed to provide enough data to indicate the regular price at which the product was imported. CAP Acero said CNDP’s decision to not impose the duties was due to a “technical detail.”
CAP Acero said it is now preparing a study to properly indicate the regular price at which the product was being exported to Chile. CAP Acero said it took time to gather the data due to Covid-19.