Mexican CRC consumption up 21 percent in April, sees new high

Friday, 21 June 2024 10:37:32 (GMT+3)   |   San Diego

Apparent consumption of cold rolled coils (CRC) in Mexico increased 20.7 percent, year over year, in April to 420,000 metric tons (mt), a new high in at least the last 28 months (since January 2022), according to data from the Mexican Chamber of the Iron and Steel Industry (Canacero), reviewed by SteelOrbis.

In the last nine months (since August 2023), CRC consumption increased seven times by double digits, a marginal low (0.6 percent) and an increase to single digits (9.1 percent last March). Of the top 10 most consumed finished steel products in Mexico, CRC is #2.

Despite maximum consumption, CRC production in April decreased for the second consecutive time now by 0.8 percent, year over year.

It should be noted that in the last 16 months (since January 2023), production has only increased three times, year over year: December 2023 with 15.2 percent, January and February 2024 with 11.4 and 17.7 percent, respectively.

It should also be highlighted that since 2012, the Mexican unit of the Italian-Argentinian Ternium, requested the Mexican international trade authorities for an antidumping investigation for unfair practices due to price discrimination in the import of CRC from South Korea, mainly by the companies Posco and Hyundai Hysco. In the first week of July, the Ministry of Economy will respond to the sunset review. All this was recently reported by SteelOrbis.

In the accumulated January-April, CRC consumption reached 1.60 million mt, 20.4 percent or 272,000 mt more compared to the same period in 2023. Production totaled 1.06 million mt, 4.7 percent more.

In international trade, CRC imports totaled 586,000 mt, 50.8 percent or 198,000 mt more and CRC exports decreased 46.6 percent or 28,000 mt to 33,000 mt.

According to data from the Ministry of Economy, in Mexico the producers of CRC are AHMSA (paralyzed due to insolvency), Ternium, Galvasid and Tyasa.

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