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Turkey’s Çolakoğlu wins Gebze Dilovası Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant tender

Friday, 15 October 2021 10:48:28 (GMT+3)   |   Istanbul

According to a statement published in Turkey’s Official Gazette, Turkey-based steel producer Çolakoğlu Metalürji A.Ş., which submitted the highest bid of TRY 157 million, has won the privatization tender for the Gebze Dilovası Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant in Kocaeli, which belongs to Turkey-based government-run Electricity Generation Company.

With an installed power of 253.40 MWe, the power plant, which consists of one gas turbine, one steam turbine and two waste heat boilers, is Turkey’s 74th and Kocaeli’s second-largest power plant.

Gebze Dilovası Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plant produces 1.8 billion KWh of electricity, meeting all the electrical energy needs of 506,000 people in their daily life, SteelOrbis understands.

If the contract is not signed or Çolakoğlu does not fulfill its obligations, the tender will be cancelled.

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