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Free Raw Material Suppliers at IREPAS: Situation in China exerts huge impact on global market

Free Producers at IREPAS: Longs market is slowing down amid weak demand 

Free China’s rebar output up 1.9% in Jan-Aug, down 6.81% in August from July

Free China’s HRC output up 12 percent in January-August

Free India’s Jindal Hunting Energy Services completes plant for manufacture of OCTG

Free India’s JSL to invest in RSSL to increase penetration of infrastructure sector

Free Hüseyin Ocakçı at IREPAS: Crude steel output in China continues to rise

Free IREPAS chairman: Global longs market unstable, unfair trade damages market  

Free Italy’s crude steel production declines in August from July       

Free Sunil Kumar at IREPAS: GCC steel demand to reach 38 million mt by 2030

Free Alexander Gordienko at IREPAS: Market outlook more optimistic than people think

Free Odisha frames capital subsidy scheme for setting up stainless steel units in the state

Free China’s FAI increases by 3.2 percent in January-August  

Free NBS: Local Chinese rebar prices up 1.5 percent in early September        

Free China’s coke output up 2.3 percent in January-August 

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