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Flats,Longs,Raw Mat,Semis,Stainless products ,Tubular Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Ex-Japan HRC prices fall in April, so exports sales accelerate, price trend may reverse in May

GCC buyers favor ex-Japan HRC as low Chinese prices off the table

Import HRC prices rise in new deals in Vietnam, outlook dimmed by non-VAT investigation in China

Ex-India HRC improve slightly but mills focus on improved prices in domestic market

CRC import price offers increase in Brazil

Ex-China HRC prices up slightly amid local gains, but sustainability of further rise doubtful

Ex-China stainless steel prices move up

Local Indian CRC prices stable, fails to react to reports of mill shutdowns

Ex-China steel plate prices move sideways, local prices expected to rise

Local Indian HRC trade prices rise amid as mills plan maintenance shutdowns

Free Global View on HRC: Prices generally stable, cautious optimism appears in many regions

US flat rolled prices steady at mid-month despite lack of availability

EU HRC prices drop again but may finally hit bottom, import prices firm up

Romanian mill cuts local HRC prices sharply amid challenging trade

Chinese domestic PPGI prices increase amid higher HRC futures prices

US plate prices mostly steady on adequate supply

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 16, 2024

Turkish flats spot prices stable despite sluggish trade

Mood still bullish in Vietnam’s HRC market despite weak buying

Ex-India HDG prices mainly stable but deals limited by low bids

Chinese HDG export prices rise amid hikes in local and futures prices

Brazilian HDG export prices decline

Trade revives somewhat for Asian slabs, ex-Russia allocation still limited

Local Chinese stainless steel prices mostly increase slightly

UAE buyers still delay HRC purchases, import offers relatively stable

Silicon steel sheet prices in local Chinese market - week 16, 2024

Import HRC prices in Pakistan move in different directions

Ex-China CRC offer prices edge up amid better sentiment locally

Brazilian HRC export price trends stable

Prices decline slightly for Brazilian slab exports

Turkish flats prices generally stabilize after holiday

Ex-China HRC prices relatively stable but with some upward bias amid improved mood locally

Ex-China stainless steel prices move sideways, demand rebounds

Indian HRC exporters keep prices stable, outlook slightly better as trade foreseen to revive

Formosa’s new HRC prices relatively stable in Vietnam, higher than ex-China offers

Local Indian HRC trade price stable, price trend lacks direction

Ex-China steel plate prices increase on back of stronger local market

Local Indian CRC prices stable as more re-rollers conclude long-term supply deals

US flat steel prices steady as higher mill offers fail to deliver price gains

Global View on HRC: market slow due to holidays, no general trend with positive mood in China and negative bias in ...

HDG and CRC prices in EU decrease further, higher buyers' pressure on CRC

European HRC prices decrease further but seem not yet to hit bottom

Chinese domestic PPGI prices see further declines

Romanian flats steel prices remain steady despite diverse trading activity

Ex-India HDG sellers hope for price increase, but no demand and rises for base material

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 15, 2024

Chinese HDG export prices move sideways, but local market keeps gradually improve

Baosteel cuts local HRC prices by $14/mt for May

Prices stable for Brazilian slab exports

US domestic plate prices trend down slightly

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