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Flats,Longs,Raw Mat,Semis,Stainless products ,Tubular Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest flats and slab prices and price trends via the flats and slab price reports and market analyses listed below. These flats and slab price reports are derived from actual flats and slab market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

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Ex-India HRC prices stable but mills suspend submitting offers amid wide bid-offer disparity

Shagang Group raises local steel plate price by $14/mt for June

Nucor weekly Consumer Spot Price unchanged at $780/nt despite dropping flat steel prices

Turkey’s HRC mills try to assess impact of EU’s safeguard adjustments, while ex-China import offers fall

Turkey’s CRC and coated steel offers relatively stable, discounts possible

Ex-China steel plate prices move sideways

Local Indian CRC prices down slightly amid weak demand projections from industrials

Local Indian HRC trade prices rise further though more pressure coming from imports

Shagang Group raises local HRC prices by $14/mt for June

CRC import price offers stable in Brazil

US flat steel prices continue down on low demand, sharply lower June scrap call

Chinese domestic PPGI prices edge down amid falling HRC futures

Romania’s flat steel prices stable, partly due to limited supply

Global View on HRC: Suppliers still keep prices stable, market evaluations mainly remain pessimistic

Brazilian slab export prices move down

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 22, 2024

European HRC prices stable in line with silent trade, imports hit by uncertainty over safeguard measures

Ex-India HDG prices remain stable but even stray deals fall silent

Chinese HDG export prices move sideways, but outlook worsens

Turkey's flats spot prices decline amid negative mood

Turkey’s plate demand weakens, prices stable week on week

Local Chinese stainless steel prices mostly rise slightly amid low inventory

Emirati HRC buyers hesitate to import since local trade remains slow

Ex-China CRC offer prices stable despite weaker local market

Silicon steel sheet prices in local Chinese market - week 22, 2024

Vietnam’s HRC import market on track for continued stability despite fluctuations in China

Nucor HRC price offer up for second week despite continued dips in US spot steel pricing

Asian slab trading slow as mills not in rush to follow growing bearish mood among buyers

Ex-China stainless steel prices stable, nickel prices decrease

Ex-China HRC prices lack firm direction affected by futures fluctuations

Ex-India HRC prices post minimal changes, trade fails to improve

Ex-Vietnam HRC booked in India at levels competitive with local prices

Brazilian slabs export prices increase week-on-week

Brazilian HRC export price remains stable

Ex-China steel plate prices remain stable, demand fails to improve

Local Indian CRC prices slip marginally amid cautious bookings from industrials

Local Indian HRC prices edge up, but discounted sales continue

Free Global View on HRC: Mood weakens in most regions, only China shows some positive signs

US flat steel little changed on continued scant demand and lower June scrap pricing

Romania's flats steel spot traders cut prices, mill’s prices stable

Chinese domestic PPGI prices edge up amid higher HRC futures

Tradable CRC and coated steel prices in EU down slightly, import prices firm up

Chinese HDG export prices recover slightly as mood locally improves

Turkey’s flats spot prices still firm, but pessimistic mood exerts pressure

Tradable HRC prices stable in Europe amid moderate trade, import prices stable

Ex-India HDG prices cut by mills to push deals and maintain market presence by mills

Flat steel prices in local Taiwanese market - week 21, 2024

Ex-China CRC offer prices improve slightly amid futures gains

Import HRC prices rebound in Turkey, local offers still under pressure

Emirati buyers favor ex-Japan HRC though demand still sluggish

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