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Trading Analyses

SteelOrbis provides the latest longs and billet prices and price trends via the longs and billet price reports and market analyses listed below. These longs and billet price reports are derived from actual longs and billet market transactions and they can also be viewed on a weekly basis by using the archive drop-down tool below.

Start Date
End Date

US import rebar prices become softer

US import rebar interest continues to trend low

US import rebar prices remain stable

Free US import rebar market remains quiet

US import rebar prices unchanged along with demand levels

Brazilian rebar export prices decrease

Prices soften but US import rebar interest remains low

US import rebar prices still stable

Price declines slightly for Brazilian rebar exports

US import rebar market struggles to gain traction

US import rebar prices remain neutral

US import rebar market firm but prices remain neutral

US import rebar market chugs along amid tepid demand

Price stable for Brazilian rebar exports

US import rebar prices down slightly

US import rebar prices steady amid international dip

US import rebar prices high while interest remains low

US import rebar prices remain strong

US import rebar prices continue following uptrend

US import rebar prices move upward again

Price increases for Brazilian rebar exports

US domestic wire rod market remains subdued

US import rebar prices return to uptrend

Disclaimer: Although the data in this publication have been taken from reliable sources, their integrity, accuracy and stability/constancy cannot be guaranteed. The data in this publication are not comprised of data gathered from transactions carried within the SteelOrbis system. Reports shall in no way be taken as a proposal for selling and buying. SteelOrbis assumes no responsibility from losses caused by using these data in commercial transactions. Please contact the Customer Relations Department for further questions.